1. break free from confinement or control.
The Internet and screens provides an endless amount of entertainment.
They are fantastic resources to help us in our daily lives.
However, some activities online like
video games, social media, and porn can be problematic and even addictive.
Escaping problematic screen use is an ongoing pursuit
of breaking free from confinement or control.

Feel Like Sh*t?
Even if you are not dealing with problematic screen use, you could be feeling pretty bad. You could be experiencing overwhelming sadness or anxiety that keeps you up at night. Maybe you are always angry and don't know why. Or maybe your relationships are causing more stress than you can bear.
We go to the doctor when we experience physical pain. We should see a mental health professional when we experience emotional pain. Counseling at can help you find healing from your emotional pain.
Counseling Services

Individual counseling provides a safe place to explore and work through emotional pain. Great healing comes from working through that pain. You will be respected as you reach your goals in counseling.

Family involvement is key in providing support for those struggling. For many, when family support is low, negative coping skills increase. Family counseling helps bring families closer together and learn practical ways to better support each other.

Parenting can be overwhelming. We want the best for our kids but sometimes don't know what that is. Parenting sessions allow parents the space to find tools that work for them and their family.

Couples can face many challenges over the course of their marriage. Whatever you and your partner are going through, counseling can provide a safe space to find new ways to improve your marriage.